Wednesday, September 15, 2010

100 Greatest Artists of All Time

Hello Friends!

So its been a while since I have written a blog entry, but I was watching tv one day and on vh1 they were revealing the 100 greatest artists of all time. I was intrigued, its amazing how certain artists whom you may never believe would be on a list like, the 100 greatest artist of all time, would actually appear on it. I have to say, their list was definitely stacked with some of the greatest artists of all time. I found a link that lists VH1's 100 greatest artists of all time, check it out and tell me what you think!

But it really got me thinking, who would I consider the top 5 artists of all time? Which (non-indian) artists have had the most impact on my music selection, my tastes and my life? And I also started wondering who would appear on my friends lists.

My list is as follows:

5. John Legend
4. Red Hot Chili Peppers
3. Tupac Shakur
2. Bob Marley
1. Michael Jackson

So here is a question which I believe is EXTREMELY important to me to learn about my friends, who are the top 5 (non-indian) artist who appear on your list of greatest artists of all time?

If Ke$ha appears on your list, please, dont bother conversing with me ever again...

Please feel free to comment! Let me know who your top 5 of all time are! and if you want any topics discussed on here!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Best Bollywood Workout Songs!

So as most of you know who know know me, I spend a lot of my time either on music or working out. So I decided I would share my thoughts on what the best indian work out songs are, since there are not that many, I have done a little research and found the few that I think are really really good at "Pumping you up". If you have any suggestions of songs you would add to the list, please feel free to add them on! Would love to hear your guys comments! So here goes!

Top 10 Indian Workout Songs:

4. Theme - Prince

A lot of these songs such as lalkaar have an amazing meaning and they just get me focused and amped for my workouts. Let me know what you think. And if anyone wants any topics discussed on my blog let me know!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Serato Scratch Live 2.0 Version

So I was on the Serato Scratch Live website to see the new stuff which was coming out and behold! Scratch Live 2.0!!!

So i read some reviews on people who have used it, some good reviews and some great reviews. Here is my experience.

At first site, I really liked the way that all the main display has been made a little larger. It definitely is easier to see everything.

Also you gotta love that now you can attach 3 tables to the system! SOOOOO SICK, that means that i can get really creative with my mixing. Definitely cant wait to check it out and not to mention might be able to splice up some awesome beats.

The effects board: so i messed with this today, i think it would get a little hard to get all this going when mixing, but i definitely think its possible. It does take up some of the screen, but not such a significant portion to where you feel that its dimishing your mixing. This works great with the mixer and the fact that you dont need specific functionality on your turn tables or your mixer to create the effect makes it so that you dont need to purchase a mixer which includes that functionality. Though i do have to say that i have found it easier when you can control it of your mixing board. But this is still a feature which I am very impressed with.

Display Mode: Very interesting, you are able to have 3 different views, one view allows you to collapse the view, so that you are able to see the expanded library. Which i think is pretty cool especially because you are able to still have the software effects present. Another view allows you to view all 3 channels horizontally, which is kind of like if you were in a mixing program such as acid, cool edit, etc. and the final view is the normal serato scratch live display. I think its cool that they have these options.

Libarary View Modes: Simply put, Unnecessary.

Smart Crates: Really cool, though I dont know how much i would actually use this, i am very picky with my library and how i organize my different folders. But its cool how you can take all your hip hop tracks and every time they are brought into serato they are put in a certain folder. Basically it allows you to write a query and all those tracks which meet the specifications are placed into the folder you assign it to. Cool feature, but will i use it? probably not as much as i could.

Conclusion: In my oppinion, serato is the best software out there that I have seen in terms of DJing software. I would give it a 9 out of 10.


Video Tutorial on Serato:

Serato Scratch Live 2.0 Download:

So it begins...

This section of the site will include information which is up and coming within the Entertainment world. Also any random thoughts which I may come across in my daily life!